Smooth scroll

Enhance your site with a nice effect that slows down the scrolling when jumping to another part of your page.


To gradually descrease the speed when you jump from one section of your page to another, for example with a to-top scroller, just add the data-uk-smooth-scroll attribute to an <a> element, that links to the ID of the section you want to target.


In our example we are using the heading Smooth scroll as target.

Go Up! Go Down!


<a href="#my-id" class="uk-button" data-uk-smooth-scroll>...</a>


The offset-option adds a specified distance to the target when calculating the scroll position. The offset is passed via the data-attribute. The value can be positive to stop scrolling before the target or negative to stop scrolling after the target.

Data attribute Description
data-uk-smooth-scroll="{offset: 90}" Adds an offset, that stops scrolling 90px before the target.
data-uk-smooth-scroll="{offset: -90}" Adds an offset, that stops scrolling 90px after the target.


This link scrolls the site to the headline "Smooth scroll" with an offset of 90px.

This link scrolls the site to the headline "Smooth scroll" with an offset of -90px.


<a href="#my-id" data-uk-smooth-scroll="{offset: 90}">...</a>

<a href="#my-id" data-uk-smooth-scroll="{offset: -90}">...</a>